Barack Obama's 2009 Inaugural Address: Questions

    Barack Obama's 2009 Inaugural Address: Questions

      1. Barack Obama was the first African American president. Does he highlight his race in the 2009 inaugural address?
      2. In the 2009 inaugural address, Barack Obama says that America's greatness is earned, not given. What things seem to make America great, according to Obama?
      3. Obama makes references to Christianity, but he also mentions other religions. How would you describe the role of religion in the speech? How important is it, and in what ways?
      4. In January 2009, the economy was the elephant in the room. How would you summarize Obama's message on the economy? Is it the most important part of the speech?
      5. What does Obama have to say about the size of government? How does his message on size compare to other politicians or past presidents?
      6. In the inaugural address, Obama makes a lot of references to various American values, saying that the right values are the way forward. Do you think history unfolds because of people's values? Or are people's values formed based on what happens?