Calvin Coolidge's Inaugural Address: Section 3: American Values, International Waters Summary

Captain America to the Rescue—But Only if You Want

  • If Americans want to keep being as "American" as possible, they have to focus on substance and genuinely embracing those values.
  • Because everyone is connected by being human.
  • America should be protected from its enemies, but we shouldn't be aggressive towards others.
  • That's why the U.S. maintains an army but has been trying to get everyone to reduce their militaries (itself included).
  • Also, America has led the way in reducing the economic tension between countries that were at war as a new way to prevent war in the future.
  • (Coolidge is most likely referring to the Dawes Plan, which set up a system to help European countries pay their war debts, and therefore reduce conflict that was brewing over reparation payments.)
  • Americans should be hopeful about peace because of events like the Washington Naval Conference.
  • This conference led to multiple treaties between countries with navies to reduce the size of those navies as a way to maintain peace.
  • The U.S. has always preferred diplomacy to armed force, which is why it should be a part of the Permanent Court of International Justice.
  • America shouldn't be tied to other countries in any way, but should use its resources to be a force for good in the world.
  • The U.S. raised a lot of money and resources for World War I, even though the country hates getting involved in Old World messes. It was just the right thing to do.
  • One of the best ways to help maintain peace is easing countries' economic problems.
  • However, that won't be enough if the people there don't want peace.
  • People must realize that obedience to the law and religious adherence are the only ways to have a fulfilling life.
  • The U.S. aims to help the oppressed, but also insists on being treated fairly by others.