Checkers Speech Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Checkers Speech? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Why does Nixon have his wife with him for the speech?

He was afraid to make the speech alone.
It was part of his strategy to appeal to average Americans.
She couldn't stand to be away from him for a second.
She just wanted to be on TV.
Q. How much of the speech is dedicated to addressing the secret fund?

Almost all of it
Virtually none of it
Only the first third
What fund?
Q. Why does Nixon read the letter at the end of the speech?

To demonstrate that he doesn't need small contributions
As evidence of what an honest and swell guy he is
To show how popular he is among military wives
To corroborate his claim to being poor
Q. How does Nixon falsely attack the Democratic candidates?

He puts "I Like Ike" bumper stickers on their cars.
He claims that since Truman and the bosses are corrupt, then Stevenson and Sparkman must be, too.
He shows pictures of their wives' fur coats.
He says they hate puppies.
Q. What was Nixon's motivation for the speech?

To make sure that the Democrats would lose the election
To practice for his TV debates with Kennedy
To ardently fanboy all about Eisenhower on television
To save his career and chances of being the Vice President