The Church and Prejudice: Section 2: Part 2 (Sentences 19-29) Summary

What's Up With All This Prejudice?

  • Prejudice is everywhere, says Douglass—even into the church.
  • But why does this prejudice exist?
  • Douglass says the main cause is slavery, and a secondary cause is the way Northern parents talk to their children about black people.
  • A man from the audience yells out an example: Children are told that black men will get them if they're bad, which sets them up for a lifetime of fear of black people.
  • Douglass points out that lots of people say they like black people fine—some of their best friends are black (oof)—but they only like them in their proper place.
  • Guess who gets to decide what that place is? White people.
  • White people keep black people down, and then blame them for being down, says Douglass.