Crisis of Confidence Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Crisis of Confidence? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Which of the following was not an alternate energy source mentioned by Carter to replace oil?

Solar energy (energy from the sun)
Plant-based gasohol
Double-shot espresso
Q. What department did President Carter create in his Crisis of Confidence speech?

Department of Alternate Fuel Sources
Department of Energy
Department of Health and Human Services
Department of the Interior Decorators
Q. What was the name of the tax that Carter wanted to use to fund his policy initiatives?

Windfall Profits Tax
Waterfall Profits Tax
Tax on cigarettes
Retail Sales Tax
Q. Which description best describes the American public's reaction to Carter's speech?

Deep and unabated support
Immediate and violent backlash
Initial public support which was quickly replaced by long-term criticism and discontent
There was no discernible response, good or bad
Q. Which legislative proposal outlined in Carter's speech failed to pass?

Creation of the Department of Energy
Passage of the Windfall Profits Tax
Investment in alternate sources of energy
Creation of the Energy Mobilization Board