Crisis of Confidence: Sacrifice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #1

Beginning this moment, this Nation will never use more foreign oil than we did in 1977—never. (44)

Interesting to note Carter's dislike of foreign oil. He's not anti-oil, he's just anti-dependence.

Quote #2

To give us energy security, I am asking for the most massive peacetime commitment of funds and resources in our Nation's history to develop America's own alternative sources of fuel—from coal, from oil shale, from plant products for gasohol, from unconventional gas, from the Sun. (46)

A "commitment of funds"—that's a nice way of saying let's pay up now so that future generations won't have to. Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice—for the good of the future.

Quote #3

I'm proposing a bold conservation program to involve every State, county, and city and every average American in our energy battle. This effort will permit you to build conservation into your homes and your lives at a cost you can afford. (51)

Conservation sounds a lot better than sacrifice, doesn't it? It's like saying the employee was "let go" rather than "fired." In the end, though, they both mean the same thing.