Every Man a King: What's Up With the Closing Lines?

    Every Man a King: What's Up With the Closing Lines?

      Now, that I have but a minute left, I want to say that I suppose my family is listening in on the radio in New Orleans, and I will say to my wife and three children that I am entirely well and hope to be home before many more days, and I hope they have listened to my speech tonight, and I wish them and all of their neighbors and friends everything good that may be had.

      I thank you, my friends, for your kind attention, and I hope you will enroll with us, take care of your own work in the work of this Government, and share or help in our Share Our Wealth Societies.

      I thank you. (147-149)

      Long wraps up with a signoff for his family (getting in as many feel-good last impressions as he can) and then thanks the people for their time and urges them to join the Share Our Wealth Program. Since that's ostensibly the goal of the speech in the first place, he wants to drive it home one last time. He leaves with a final thank you to emphasize his humble approach and to distance himself from the image of the dictatorial tyrant.