Every Man a King: Questions

    Every Man a King: Questions

      1. How does Long keep his speech relatable for common folk and highbrows alike?
      2. How does Long manage the flow of his speech without making it too dense?
      3. Why does Long include so many references to the Bible, the founding fathers, and ancient Greek philosophy?
      4. What's the main goal of the speech?
      5. Long throws a great deal of stats and numbers out through the course of the speech but doesn't provide any sources for his data: how does this affect his argument?
      6. Why was Long so concerned with wealth inequality?
      7. What long-term effects might Long's plans have had on American society and the American economy?
      8. What would Bernie Sanders have to say about this speech? How might he have delivered it?
      9. Can you see Long's political ambitions peeking through in this speech? If so, where?