Four Freedoms Speech: President Franklin D. Roosevelt's "Great Arsenal of Democracy" Fireside Chat

    Four Freedoms Speech: President Franklin D. Roosevelt's "Great Arsenal of Democracy" Fireside Chat

      Very similar in theme and content to the "Four Freedoms" speech, this FDR radio address outlines the dealio with World War II in late 1940.

      Nicknamed "Great Arsenal of Democracy" for the catchy slogan that describes American might, FDR's fireside chat from December 29th, 1940, is basically a preamble to the "Four Freedoms" address.

      Broadcast to Americans and to the world, the speech boldly pledges American support of Britain in a flagrant rejection of neutrality policies. Though FDR manages to avoid explicitly saying that the United States is getting involved in World War II, he does detail the imminent danger of the conflict and suggests that America will have to deal with it…sooner or later.

      (Psst, to learn more about this fireside chat, check out this Learning Guide.)