Gettysburg Address: Questions

    Gettysburg Address: Questions

      1. Somehow, contemporary reaction to the Gettysburg Address was as mixed as The Life of Pablo reviews. Now, imagine yourself in the midst of this gruesome struggle. Would Lincoln's speech hold up in your eyes?
      2. Presidential speeches are a veritable gold mine of juicy quotes. From "read my lips" to "nothing to fear but fear itself," they've become iconic, repeated cultural touchstones. Where would the Gettysburg Address rank in your most important speeches list?
      3. Write an alternate history of the Civil War in which Lincoln never gives this speech. What does it look like? Have events changed or is the course of the war the same?
      4. Given that the speech was written more than 150 years ago, its message holds up remarkably well. But some of the language is a bit...outdated. What would a modern-day version look like?
      5. The Gettysburg Address is considered a turning point in the course of the war; from here on out, Gen. Winfield Scott's Anaconda Plan worked to slowly squeeze the Confederacy into submission. But it's not the only candidate for this position. What other event would you call a turning point in the Civil War and why?