The Great Silent Majority Summary

Brief Summary

The Set-Up

An already sticky situation gets even stickier as more and more American troops join the Vietnam War. We're talking pre-chewed gum mixed with tree sap laced with white school glue imbued with hairspray on top of a caramel apple kind of sticky situation.

The Text

Nixon wants America to know that he's a man with a plan. A plan for Vietnam. But he needs the country's support. He doesn't want to ask the American people to support his new vision with a "pretty please with sugar on top." No, he wants those in the "great silent majority" to back him up and to help him get those annoying anti-war protestors off his back.


Richard Nixon tells the hippie and anti-war crowds to cut their hair, go out and get jobs, and let the real Americans—those in the "great silent majority"—decide what's best for the Vietnam War.