The Great Silent Majority: Trivia

    The Great Silent Majority: Trivia

      President Lyndon B. Johnson had a dog named Little Beagle Johnson. His wife was called Lady Bird. Notice a trend here? They all have the same initials. Even his children were given names with LBJ as their initials. (Source)

      The 1960 debate was the first televised presidential debate. Everybody who watched thought that JFK was drop-dead gorgeous and won the debate. Those who listened to the debate on the radio, on the other hand, totally thought that Nixon won the debate. (Source)

      The 1968 election would be remembered for a lot of things, but none quite so important as the name of one of the candidates that ran for president: Pigasus the Immortal. The Youth International Party nominated the pig as a protest of the Vietnam War (among other things). You can't make this kind of stuff up. (Source)

      Toward the end of the U.S.'s stint in Vietnam, nearly 600 POWs were released back to the states in 1973. With 450 vets and their guests in attendance, Nixon hosted 1,300 for the largest ever White House dinner party. (Source)