Have You No Sense of Decency?: Freedom and Tyranny Quotes

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Quote #4

I don't think you can find anyplace, anywhere, an organization which has done more to defend Communists—I am again quoting the report—to defend Communists, to defend espionage agents, and to aid the Communist cause... (McCarthy.74)

McCarthy lays into the Lawyers Guild here. He's convinced that their actions are almost guaranteed to lead to a Communist takeover.

Quote #5

Mr. Jenkins, the thing that I think we must remember is that this is a war which a brutalitarian force has won to a greater extent than any brutalitarian force has won a war in the history of the world before. For example, Christianity, which has been in existence for 2,000 years, has not converted, convinced nearly as many people as this Communist brutalitarianism has enslaved in 106 years, and they are not going to stop. I know that many of my good friends seem to feel that this is a sort of a game you can play, that you can talk about communism as though it is something 10,000 miles away. (McCarthy.106)

McCarthy creates a neologism here: "brutalitarian." Really solid political hack work. He's describing Soviet Communism as not only totalitarian, but savage. The murderous Joseph Stalin had just died the year before, and even though Khrushchev, the new premier, had criticized Stalin's brutally suppressive tactics, he was still a dictator. It wasn't hard to terrify Americans of what the Soviets wanted to do to them, i.e., invade the U.S. and make it a totalitarian Communist country.