Hope, Despair and Memory: Shout-Outs

    Hope, Despair and Memory: Shout-Outs

      In-Text References

      Literary and Philosophical References

      Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (8, 4)

      Historical and Political References

      Rabbi Baal-Shem-Tov (1, 1), (29, 6)
      Shimon Dubnov (18, 1)
      Nelson Mandela (25, 2)
      Andrei Sakharov (25, 7)
      Vladimir and Masha Slepak (25, 7)
      Ida Nudel (25, 7)
      Josef Biegun (25, 7)
      Victor Brailowski (25, 7)
      Zakhar Zonshein (25, 7)
      Ethiopians (26, 2)
      Cambodians (26, 2)
      Boat people (26, 2)
      Palestinians (26, 2)
      Mesquite Indians (26, 2)
      Argentinian "desaparecidos" (26, 2)

      Pop Culture References

      Johannes Sebastian Bach (8, 4)

      Biblical References

      Genesis 1:1-9 (6, 3)
      Judas Maccabeus (13, 3)
      Bar-Kochba (13, 3)
      David (13, 4)
      Solomon (13, 4)

      References to This Text

      Literary and Philosophical References

      Reverend Peg Boyle Morgan, "Elie Wiesel: View Through the Valley," February 8, 2004 (29, 1)

      Historical and Political References

      James Earl Jones, John Jay College Medal of Justice Ceremony in New York City, May 6t 2014 (1, 1-9) (2, 1-10)

      Pop Culture References

      Serban Nichifor, "Ha'Shoah," 2015