Kansas-Nebraska Act: Kansas Asserts Its Individuality (Sections 30-36) Summary

Get Ready For a Big Surprise in Section 31

  • Salaries and government spending will be distributed, recorded, and justified in exactly the same manner in Kansas Territory as they are in Nebraska Territory.
  • Section 31 is super exciting because it is the only section (other than the geographical boundaries stuff) where the rules are different for Kansas than they are for Nebraska.
  • Hold onto your hats and check this out: The government seat will temporarily be located at Fort Leavenworth, and the Governor and Legislative Assembly can use any buildings there that are not needed for use by the military.
  • Whoa. Slow your roll, Kansas, this "individuality" thing is getting way out of control…
  • Thankfully, section 32 brings us back down to earth with rules about a U.S. Congressional Representative that are identical between Kansas and Nebraska Territories.
  • Don't want to get too crazy here.
  • Government buildings will be paid for by the U.S. Government, just like in Nebraska.
  • Townships and schools will be measured out and area allocated just like they are in Nebraska.
  • The Governor's authority to set up judicial districts and appoint judges is just the same as it is in Nebraska.
  • The rules for handling money are the same in Kansas as they are in Nebraska.