Louisiana Purchase Treaty: Rules and Order Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Document.Article.Sentence)

Quote #4

It is agreed that the Dollar of the United States Specified in the present Convention shall be fixed at five francs 3333/100000 or five livres eight Sous tournois. (C1.3.1)

These guys thought of everything, including exchange rates. Making it super clear that the agreed-upon payment amount would reflect this and only this exchange rate is one more way our fearless negotiators ensured that everyone involved knew exactly what had been agreed to—and for how much.

Quote #5

It is expressly agreed that the preceding articles Shall comprehend no debts but Such as are due to citizens of the United States who have been and are yet creditors of France for Supplies for embargoes and prizes made at Sea, in which the appeal has been properly lodged within the time mentioned in the Said Convention 8th Vendémiaire ninth year, /30th Sept 1800/. (C2.4.1)

Second verse, same as the first? Yeah, pretty much, except we're talking about money France owes the United States instead of money America owes France. But the level of detail in the second convention is about the same as it is in the first, and when it comes to making up the rules of this game, detail is key.