Monroe Doctrine: Questions

    Monroe Doctrine: Questions

      1. Remember that the Monroe Doctrine's part of a much longer speech given directly to Congress in 1823. How you think the method of delivering the Monroe Doctrine impacts its significance, especially considering the time in which it was given?
      2. Do you see the legacy of the Monroe Doctrine in the world today? How and where?
      3. How do you think Monroe is trying to portray the United States in his speech? What image is he trying to convey, and why?
      4. Many historians nowadays see the American Revolution as happening in multiple parts, including the War of 1812 and the Civil War. Would the Monroe Doctrine fit into that revolution process? Explain why or why not.
      5. Thinking about the broader context of the history of European colonialism, does Monroe's statement that further colonization in the Americas would be a threat to the United States make sense? Would the country really be in danger? Why or why not?