Platt Amendment: Questions

    Platt Amendment: Questions

      1. What would be different, or the same, in Cuba (or in the U.S. for that matter) if the Platt Amendment had never been passed?
      2. Should bigger, more powerful countries be allowed to set the rules for smaller, less powerful ones?
      3. Might the Platt Amendment have led directly to some of the historical tensions between the U.S. and Cuba (such as the Cuban Missile Crisis in the Cold War, or the Guantanamo Bay military prison in recent decades), or was that tension bound to happen thanks to the close proximity of the island to American soil?
      4. Would it be possible for the United States (or any other strong nation) to force another country to agree to rules like those of the Platt Amendment today?
      5. Do people in Cuba today hold a grudge against America for the Platt Amendment, or is it not that big of a deal?
      6. Why does Congress insist on writing documents with extremely long sentences?