Platt Amendment: Trivia

    Platt Amendment: Trivia

      For many years we didn't know who actually blew up the USS Maine, the event that got America 100% involved in the Spanish-American War. Maybe it was all just a bad accident… (Source)

      A big reason the U.S. beat Spain in Cuba was thanks to Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders. These soldiers were actually "cowboys and gamblers, hunters and prospectors." (Source)

      The famous Battle of Manila Bay during the Spanish-American War had only a single American casualty—and he died from sunstroke. (Source)

      Much to the confusion of history students everywhere, the Platt Amendment was not written by a guy named Platt. (Source)

      The events of the 1890s, especially the Spanish-American War, ended up influencing a lot of popular music at the time. Can you imagine the hit single "The Charge of the Roosevelt Riders?" So catchy. (Source)