Home Alone Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Home Alone.

Quote #4

HARRY: You bomb me with one more can, kid, and I'll snap off your cajones and boil them in motor oil!

The burglars can only make threats—they've been rendered incapable of fulfilling them, thanks to Kevin's cleverness (though they almost get Kevin in the end).

Quote #5

MARV: I'm not going out the window!

HARRY: What're you scared, Marv? Are you afraid? C'mon, get out here!

Even though Harry's supposed to be the smart one, he's been so disconcerted and injured by these booby traps that he's making a rash and totally stupid decision. Kevin, of course, cuts the line they try to use to climb to the tree house.

Quote #6

MARV: What are we gonna do to him, Harry?

HARRY: We'll do exactly what he did to us: we're gonna burn his head with a blowtorch!

MARV: And smash his face with an iron!

HARRY: How about slap him in the face with a paint can!

MARV: Or shove a nail through his foot.

HARRY: First thing I'm gonna do is bite off every one of these little fingers, one at a time.

Fortunately, Harry doesn't get a chance to bite Kevin's fingers off—Marley shows up and smashes Harry and Marv over the head with his snow shovel. But would Harry have actually bitten those fingers off, though? Probably. Kevin did just torture them.