Homeless Bird Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I suppose part of me had known all along. The thought had been waiting like a scorpion at the edge of my mind. Now it stung me, and I nearly cried out with the pain. (8.1)

Here's the thing: Mrs. Mehta is so into lying that she's probably always willing to bust out a deception or two in order to get what she wants. Koly's acknowledging that she kind of knows this, but we're still not sure what option she had besides going along with Mrs. Mehta to her brother's house.

Quote #8

The next evening I slipped away to meet Raji. Maa Kamala was very proper and didn't approve of boys and girls mixing except under her watchful eye. Raji was waiting down the road for me. (9.29)

Even Koly lies when it suits her. Now we're not saying that lying about your curfew or going out with a guy is the same as abandoning someone in a foreign city, but it's worth mentioning that she chooses when she to tell the truth… or not.

Quote #9

"That animal, Kajal, was playing a trick on you. The lassi was laced with bhang. You're lucky I was there. The sooner I hand you over to your friend, the better. I'm not a nursemaid to take care of every naïve village girl." (10.52)

When Koly goes to a party and feels funny, a guy there tells her that her drink was drugged—and Koly's shocked someone would be so cruel. After all that time with Mrs. Mehta, she still hasn't figured out that people lie, cheat, and steal to get what they want. Perhaps Koly's lying to herself a bit about the ways of the world.