Homeless Bird Tradition and Customs Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I went to the Banke Bihari, where there was a darshan each day—the curtains were opened for a moment to give a glimpse of the deity, which is a great blessing. (8.22)

In the widows' city, Koly gets her first glimpse of a deity inside the temple and thinks about how it's a blessing. The only problem? She doesn't feel blessed since she's been ditched by sass. Seems reasonable. Then again, her life takes a positive turn after this, so maybe traditions aren't as useless as she thinks.

Quote #8

"Not traditional. We must have marigolds." (9.16)

Koly's boss says this about the flowers for the wedding garland. Interestingly, though, when the girls intersperse jasmine and marigolds, the guests love it. In this instance, tradition is deviated from to people's ultimate delight.

Quote #9

Mr. Das's workroom became the most important place in my life. I couldn't believe that someone was paying me for doing what I loved best. (9.38)

Here we see how Koly goes against tradition by working outside of the home and enjoying every minute of it. Once Koly stops worrying about what she's supposed to do, she can be herself.