The House of Dies Drear Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Nobody will come home with us. No one will laugh and talk with Papa. I won't have anyone to show my carvings to. (10.101)

Thomas wants everything to happen right at once. When the church people prove slow to embrace the new family, Thomas temporarily loses his hope. This shows how important his relationship with his church is to him.

Quote #8

"But let's get back to the Sunday-moaning church folks who never once cared whether my father lived or died. […] They're the reason they left town." (15.18)

Mayhew clearly doesn't trust the people in the church. Do you think there's a chance for them to mend relations? Do you think Mayhew wants to? Is Mayhew religious? On what do you base your answer?