The House of Dies Drear The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The thing was not the same as night. It was darkness detached from the black of the entranceway. It was solid, but it could move, and it did not hesitate. (8.81)

Eventually we learn that this darkness is a Darrow, slipping in while the Smalls are asleep. Yikes. When we read this quote for the first time, we thought it was ghosts for sure. What did you think?

Quote #8

"Some nights them Darrows forgets about me, but there will still be signs of the old man and the slaves. I've seen him! I've seen them! Then my black horse, he will run with the wind, the spirits bother him so." (14.43)

Unlike Mr. Small, Mr. Pluto definitely believes in ghosts. Could he be right? Remember he knows the Darrows have been pretending to be ghosts. The ghosts he says he's seen are different from the Darrows.