The House of the Spirits Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #16

She heard Miguel's name but did not know what they were asking her, and kept repeating a monumental no while they beat her, manhandled her, pulled off her blouse, and she could no longer think, could only say no, no, and no and calculate how much longer she could resist before her strength gave out, not knowing this was only the beginning, until she felt herself begin to faint and the men left her alone, lying on the floor, for what seemed to her a very short time. (14.8)

We can feel Alba's disorientation and exhaustion when we read this sentence. Just like the torture she's experiencing, it seems to go on, and on, and on… The sentence finally stops, just when Alba gets a bit of a break, but it won't be for long.