Will James (Jeremy Renner)’s Timeline and Summary

Will James (Jeremy Renner)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Will replaces Thompson as the leader of the EOD team in Bravo Company, which is nearing the end of its rotation in Iraq.
  • At first, Will rubs everyone the wrong way with his unorthodox style and his tendency to take unnecessary risks. However, he eventually earns the grudging respect of his comrades Sanborn and Eldridge.
  • Unfortunately, Will's risk-taking eventually does cause some trouble. He ends up leaving base without permission on what turns out to be a wild goose chase, and then he leads his men into unnecessary danger, accidentally shooting Eldridge in the process. We're not sure their fragile little friendship is going to survive Will shattering Eldridge's femur in nine places.
  • Other than that, though, Will is successful at getting his team through to the end of their tour without injury. He gets to head back to the United States.
  • However, once he's back, Will seems to have trouble adjusting. It seems that he opts to go back. When the movie closes, he's beginning a new 365-day rotation back in Iraq.