I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

During this period of strain Mother and I began our first steps on the long path toward mutual adult admiration. (34.30)

Okay, so they'll probably never get matching manicures, but as Maya grows up, the bond between her and her mom grows stronger. (Being an adult will do that to you.) How do you think Maya's relationship with Vivian will affect what kind of mother she is?

Quote #8

What happened to the moonlight-on-the-prairie feeling? (35.73)

Maya might have imagined a feather bed with a fresh fruit plate and a bottle of champagne with tender kisses, but her first time didn't quite hit the mark. We'll never forget Maya's experience with sexual abuse, but this comment allows us see her as a typical teenage girl with unrealistic expectations about sex.