I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Sexuality and Sexual Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

For months the book was both a treat and a threat. It allowed me to see a little of the mysterious world of the pervert. (35.1)

First things first: Maya thinks lesbians are perverts. (Oh, and she also thinks lesbians are hermaphrodites…) But she's kind of getting some scary, voyeuristic pleasure out of the whole deal. Why does she want to see into the world of the pervert?

Quote #8

"Mother, something is growing on my vagina." […]

"On both sides. Inside." I couldn't add that they were fleshy skin flaps that had been growing for months down there. She'd have to pull that out of me.

"Ritie, go get me that big Webster's and then bring me a bottle of beer." […]

"Sit down, baby. Read this." Her fingers guided my eyes to VULVA. (35.27, 31-32, 35)

As much as Maya has been exposed to sex, she's still pretty clueless when it comes to sexuality. Things definitely happened in the wrong order for our girl.

Quote #9

All I knew was that I had been moved by looking at a woman's breasts. (35.70)

What in Maya's life has led her to this black and white view of sexual identity?