I, Robot Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from I, Robot.

Technology and Modernization Quotes

All that had been done in the mid-twentieth century on "calculating machines" had been upset by Robertson and his positronic brain-paths. The miles of relays and photocells had given way to the spo...

Morality and Ethics Quotes

"They're a cleaner better breed than we are." (Introduction.32)

Fear Quotes

"Afterward, they became more human and opposition began. The labor unions, of course, naturally opposed robot competition for human jobs, and various segments of religious opinion had their superst...

Foolishness and Folly Quotes

"It was all quite ridiculous and quite useless. And yet there it was." (Introduction.35)

Language and Communication Quotes

Robbie made a semi-circle in the air with one finger. (Robbie.40)

Choices Quotes

"Robbie was constructed for only one purpose really—to be the companion of a little child. His entire 'mentality' has been created for the purpose. He just can't help being faithful and loving an...

Friendship Quotes

"There was a time when humanity faced the universe alone and without a friend. Now he has creatures to help him; stronger creatures than himself, more faithful, more useful, and absolutely devoted...

Power Quotes

"Now he has creatures to help him; stronger creatures than himself, more faithful, more useful, and absolutely devoted to him." (Introduction.30)

Science Quotes

In 2008, she obtained her Ph.D. and joined United States Robots as a "Robopsychologist," becoming the first great practitioner of a new science. (Introduction.8)

Rules and Order Quotes

"Most of the world governments banned robot use on Earth for any purpose other than scientific research between 2003 and 2007." (Robbie.225)