The Iceman Cometh Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act)

Quote #4

PEARL: No. We’re tarts, but dat’s all. (1)

Language gives Pearl (and others) the ability to lie to themselves about who they are and what they really do. What are some examples of how people use euphemisms to cover up the truth today?

Quote #5

HICKEY: He was the boy who could sell those Hoosier hayseeds building lots along the Golden Street! (1)

Hickey connects his dad’s skills of communication to selling and to preaching—two tools he uses to convert others to his way of thinking. He’s a little like the Sham Wow guy but with a way better vocabulary.

Quote #6

PEARL: Aw right, Rocky. We’re whores. You know what dat makes you, don’t you? (2)

Just as Pearl uses language to pretend she is something she isn’t, she can use language to show someone else (Rocky) that he is something he doesn’t want to accept. So, what’s in a name? Does Pearl calling herself what she is make any difference to how she’ll lead her life?