If Only Chapter 11 Summary

Starbursts and Ziti

  • Joci begs Corinna to go out trick-or-treating on Halloween, and though Corinna doesn't really want to, Joci talks her into it.
  • They eat tons of candy—specifically, Starbursts—and Corinna gets sick. So sick, in fact, that she stays home from school the next day.
  • This means getting the mail (catalogs for Sophie) and answering the home phone (telemarketing calls for Sophie). Going to school sick would have been better.
  • On a brighter note, on the days when she does go to school, Corinna sits with Clare at lunch.
  • They ignore a lot of the usual teen clothing commentary and instead talk about important stuff.
  • They also make lots of jokes about having baked ziti in their lunchboxes.