In Darkness Lightness and Darkness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I have no name. There are no names in the darkness cos there is no one else, only me, and I already know who I am (I am the voice in the dark, calling out for your help), and I have no questions for myself and no need to call upon myself for anything. (1.5)

Man, Shorty knows how to sound scary. It's not just that he's in the darkness (although that is spine-chilling enough), he's also all alone and has no one. His sense of fear and panic is made worse by the fact that he's got no one there to comfort him. If you think about it, that's what makes the dark creepy.

Quote #2

He was born in blood and darkness, and that's how he'll die, the houngan told her. Maybe she was right. Maybe I will die in blood and darkness. Maybe she would be happy if she saw me here. (1.84)

The fact that Shorty is tied up with darkness—even from birth—is a big deal in the book. His mom thinks it means he'll die horribly and worries about it. Not Shorty, though. He doesn't buy the houngan's prophecy. Or maybe he just doesn't want to. After all, it's not good news for Shorty if the guy is right.

Quote #3

Manman stared up at the roof of the church, and she saw that there was a hole in it. Through it, the stars shone out of the blackness, as if to say that darkness is never complete, that there is always hope. (1.112)

Aw. We love to think about Manman hoping for the future in spite of her terrible circumstances. We can't help but wonder, though, whether this is really representative of her life. She might want to see hope through all the muck, but it seems like she's pretty downtrodden most of the time.