In Darkness Respect and Reputation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Manman knew Dread Wilmè from her time with the Lavalas party. She respected him. He sold drugs, but he didn't tolerate crime. He didn't let anyone steal, or commit murder for no reason. (7.132)

Well, as long as he doesn't let murder happen for no reason, he must be a cool guy. For Manman, respecting someone isn't idealistic; she's more of a realist. Even though selling drugs and killing people isn't exactly her style, she gets that it's necessary in the Site. It might sound bonkers to us, but Manman can respect a drug-dealing gangster.

Quote #2

There's a bit where Wyclef goes, like, you disrespect us, you're gonna be put in the ground. Biggie, he shouted it out alongside Wyclef, and right then I thought it was the coolest thing I'd ever heard (13.57)

Biggie singing reminds Shorty of his real life. For them (and in the song, for that matter), it's all about getting mad respect from everyone. Why? Their reputation is worth gold in the Site—without it, they are nothing. (Or so they think).

Quote #3

I stared at him. Everyone knew Dread saved me, but I didn't know they knew about the pwen. Biggie saw the expression on my face. (13.148)

It looks like Shorty's getting quite a reputation around the Site. People start to think he's special because Dread saved him the day he died. Of course we know he's a big deal, but his reputation grows faster than he wants it to. Pretty soon, he's answering questions about the pwen Dread gave him.