The Interpretation of Dreams Ambition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Behind this childhood of the individual we are promised a picture of a phylogenetic childhood—a picture of the development of the human race, of which the individual's development is in fact an abbreviated recapitulation influenced by the chance circumstances of life. […] [T]he analysis of dreams will lead us to a knowledge of man's archaic heritage, of what is physically innate in him. (7.3.33)

Hold up there, Sigmund. First, you tell us we're going to learn how to understand and interpret our dreams, and now you're telling us that our dreams can unlock the secrets of humanity's "archaic heritage"? That's a pretty tall order for this theory you've developed. But hey, if you're not ambitious enough to figure out life, the universe, and everything else, what's the point? Right?