Love Quotes in Interview with the Vampire

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"'I love you, Louis,' Claudia said over and over." (1.624)

Claudia says she loves Louis only after he dumps Lestat's body for her. Would she feel the same way if he refused to be an accomplice in her scheme?

Quote #5

"What I would not have given, as I watched her, to touch her silver hair, to whisper love to her, if love would not have loosed on her remaining years a horror worse than grief." (2.33)

Here is a rare instance of familial love. Louis tells us about how he watched his sister age and die. As a vampire, he could only watch from a distance, which makes his love all the more bittersweet. How does this compare to Louis's relationship with Claudia?

Quote #6

"I am not so much in love with happiness." (3.2)

This is an understatement. The self-hating Louis seems to be in love with pain. He loves to hate himself. Does he have a point, though? We're not sure how okay we'd be with all this vampirism stuff, either.