The Invisible Man Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Millie, her lymphatic aid, had been brisked up a bit by a few deftly chosen expressions of contempt (1.3)

Our first example of power in this book is a boss exercising power over an employee. Here, Mrs. Hall wants Millie to speed up her work. How does she do this?: "by a few deftly chosen expressions of contempt." Whew, we all know the expressions she's talking about – bosses have those looks nailed. Power can be expressed in so many different ways.

Quote #2

There were a number of skirmishes with Mrs. Hall on matters of domestic discipline, but in every case until late April, when the first signs of penury began, he over-rode her by the easy expedient of an extra payment. (4.1)

Who has the power here, Mrs. Hall or the Invisible Man? The owner or the customer?

Quote #3

"An invisible man is a man of power." He stopped for a moment to sneeze violently. (9.70)

The narrator really wants us to get the idea that the Invisible Man may not be as powerful as he says he is. Cutting the moment with an ill-timed sneeze makes the point beautifully. Hey, everyone gets allergies.