The Invisible Man Science Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I should explain," he added, "what I was really too cold and fatigued to do before, that I am an experimental investigator."

"Indeed, sir," said Mrs. Hall, much impressed. (2.17-18)

Mrs. Hall doesn't really understand the science that the Invisible Man is doing, but she's still impressed by it. In The Invisible Man, non-scientists are sometimes suspicious of scientists and sometimes impressed by them. Where do you see this difference?

Quote #2

There were a couple of trunks indeed, such as a rational man might need, but in addition there were a box of books—big, fat books, of which some were just in an incomprehensible handwriting—and a dozen or more crates, boxes, and cases, containing objects packed in straw, as it seemed to Hall, tugging with a casual curiosity at the straw—glass bottles. (3.1)

The scientists in this book tend to have a bunch of stuff for science – microscopes and science journals and bottles (see 3.9, 15.1). We like this quote because it reminds us of the material aspect of science; it's not just about thinking, it actually involves experimenting on stuff.

Quote #3

Cuss, the general practitioner, was devoured by curiosity. The bandages excited his professional interest, the report of the thousand and one bottles aroused his jealous regard. (4.9)

Here's yet another type of reaction to science: professional jealousy. Cuss is a "general practitioner," so he's the village doctor. Still, he's not a researcher like Griffin (and possibly not as educated as Griffin or Kemp), and so he holds a "jealous regard" for all the equipment Griffin has. Through these characters, Iping is showing us a pretty wide range of responses to scientific research.