Jazz Art and Culture: Jazz Music Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Yet Alice Manfred swore she heard a complicated anger in (the music); something hostile that disguised itself as flourish and roaring seduction. But the part she hated most was its appetite. It faked happiness, faked welcome, but it did not make her feel generous, this juke joint, barrel hooch, tonk house, music. It made her hold her hand in the pocket of her apron to keep from smashing it through the glass pane to snatch the world in her fist and squeeze the life out of it for doing what it did and did and did to her and everybody else she knew or knew about. (3.13)

You know how they say the opposite of love isn't hate, but apathy? Yeah, Alice certainly hates jazz music, but it's totally getting to her—she's not quite liberated enough to appreciate the sexy side of jazz, but she is aware enough to feel the anger in jazz. Why would jazz musicians have anything to be angry about? Uh, check out our thoughts on violence elsewhere in this section, guys.

Quote #5

Wondering at this totally silent night, she can go back to bed, but as soon as she turns the pillow to the smoother, cooler side a melody line she doesn't remember where from sings itself, loud and unsolicited, in her head. "When I was young and in my prime, I could get my barbeque any old time." (3.15)

Pro-tip: "Barbeque" in this context doesn't mean a delicious brisket sandwich; it means sexytimes. If you hear any food references in jazz, consider these to be references to sex. If you hear any nature metaphors in jazz, those are also about sex. If you hear any references to snakes… You get the idea. A cigar is never just a cigar, everyone.

Quote #6

While her aunt worried about how to keep the heart ignorant of the hips and the head in charge of both, Dorcas lay on a chenille bedspread, tickled and happy knowing that there was no place to be where somewhere, close by, somebody was not licking his licorice stick, tickling the ivories, beating his skins, blowing off his horn while a knowing woman sang ain't nobody going to keep me down you got the right key baby but the wrong keyhole you got to get it bring it and put it right here, or else. (3.16)

So Dorcas is not like her aunt Alice. She thinks that jazz is exciting and sexy, and the idea of proximity to jazz players is thrilling. And with lyrics like this, and metaphors for playing instruments that are this scandalous, we can't really blame her.