The Jew of Malta Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #4

Thus every villain ambles after wealth,
Although he ne'er be richer than in hope (3.4.53-4)

Translation: LOL, Ithamore. Barabas says this right after he's promised Ithamore to fully embrace him as his heir. So, just when we think that Barabas and Ithamore are totally evil BFFs, Barabas reveals that he's using Ithamore in the same way he uses everyone else.

Quote #5

Now I have such a plot for both their lives
As never Jew nor Christian knew the like! (4.1.115-6)

Barabas doesn't just lie, cheat and steal—he really gets a kick out of it. And something else: here's he's not just saying that he's just can't help being evil because he's Jewish. He's actually so evil that even Jews can't imagine how evil he can be.

Quote #6

And, thus far, roundly goes the business.
Thus, loving neither, will I live with both,
Making a profit of my policy,
And he from whom my most advantage comes
Shall be my friend. (5.2.111-15)

Friendship on Malta: not unlike Snakes and Ladders. Barabas doesn't really like anybody, but he also isn't going to turn up his nose at making nice with somebody who can help him. Even his right-hand-man, Ithamore, is simply a tool he leverages for "advancement."