Johnny Tremain Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Johnny Tremain.

Family Quotes

What was it his mother had said so long ago? If there was nothing left and God Himself had turned away his face, then, and only then, Johnny was to go to Mr. Lyte. In his ears rang his mother's swe...

Friendship Quotes

He could have easily made friends with stupid Dove, for Dove was lonely and admired Johnny as well as envied him. Johnny preferred to bully him. (1.1.36)

Patriotism Quotes

But when that bill came—the fiddler's bill—that bill for the tea, it was so much heavier than anyone expected, Boston was thrown into a paroxysm of anger and despair. There had been many a mode...

Pride Quotes

His ability made him semi-sacred. He knew his power and reveled in it. (1.1.36)

Mortality (Death) Quotes

Beyond him, in the semi-darkness, running across mud flats, was the one road which connected Boston with the mainland. And here the gallows—on which Mrs. Lapham promised him to end. He turned bac...

Politics Quotes

"My master, Mr. John Hancock, Esquire, bids me leave these coins—one for each of the poor work-boys—hoping they will drink his health and be diligent at their benches." Then he was gone."Hoping...

Society and Class Quotes

Breakfast was good, although no more than what a poor artisan could afford—milk and ale, gruel, sausages, and corn bread. Everything was plentiful and well cooked. The kitchen was as clean or cle...

Language and Communication Quotes

Madge and Dorcas never cared even to try to read. Mrs. Lapham could not so much as write her name. "Book larning," she declared, "scalded no pigs." Cilla was so anxious to learn (and teach Isannah)...