Joseph Andrews Characters

Meet the Cast

Joseph Andrews

He's Just An Average JoeBefore Average Joe was the subject of a mediocre reality TV show, he was Fielding's go-to guy to show off middle-class values. After all, he's "the highest degree of middle...

Parson Adams

Just A Little ForgetfulYou know the kind of person who forgets silly daily tasks like brushing his teeth? Parson Adams probably would forget his wig if it wasn't glued to his head. Sure, he's a tot...

Fanny Goodwill

Hot Stuff… and Empathetic, TooFanny may be demure and kind and all of those qualities generally attributed to Princess Barbies; she's also pretty cute. But that's not to say that you can tell a b...

Beau Didapper

Beau Didapper only has one role in Joseph Andrews: to cause mischief for Fanny and Joseph that will benefit Lady Booby. Sure, Beau also seems to like Fanny—but he's got a weird way of showing it:...


Betty seems like she's looking out for Joseph as soon as he arrives at Mr. Tow-wouse's inn. She tells her mistress that "the man in the bed was a greater man than they took him for," thus ensuring...

Lady Booby

Let's just say that Lady Booby doesn't like to be crossed. She's incredibly interested in Joseph, to the point that she'll do just about anything to sabotage his relationship with Fanny. She's also...

Mr. Scout

Lawyering UpMr. Scout is the kind of lawyer who would put Saul Goodman to shame. We don't put that lightly, either—Scout is all too happy to bend to Lady Booby's will: "The utmost that was in the...

Mrs. Slipslop

Bring on the Big WordsMrs. Slipslop displays a very particular brand of pretentiousness. After years of exposure to Lady Booby's whims, Slipslop uses big, made-up words to make people think she's s...

Minor Characters

Parson TrulliberIf you're looking for a pacifist parsons, don't call up Parson Trulliber. He immediately forces Parson Adams to go look at his hogs for sale, and then he flies into a fury when Adam...