Jude the Obscure Education Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

'I always saw there was more to be learnt outside a book than in' (2.7.8)

This is Tinker Taylor just dropping some science. He doesn't think much of Jude's book-learning; for him, it's all about street smarts. And indeed, most of the painful lessons Jude learns in this novel come from real-world miseries. Arguably, Arabella Donn teaches Jude more about life than all of his scholarly reading combined.

Quote #8

'Intellect at Christminster is new wine in old bottles' (3.4.55)

This line is Sue's clever way of saying that organized education has simply taken the position of power that organized religion used to hold in the city, and that she really sees no difference in the two.

Quote #9

'We'll educate and train him with a view to the University.' (5.3.72)

Have you guys ever heard of parents living out their own dreams through their kids? Well, this is what Jude is planning on doing with Little Father Time. Sure, Jude never made his way to University, but things can be different for his son.