Kaffir Boy Rules and Order Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

One day I was arrested for being in a white neighbourhood after the ten o'clock evening curfew, and for being without a pass. I told the arresting officers, one black and one white, that I was a student. Luckily I was in the habit of carrying several books with the name of my former school on them. They let me go with the warning to get a pass.

"You're eighteen now," said the black officer. "You should have got one two years ago."

I began making plans to go apply for one, even though I detested the idea of carrying a pass. At the pass office I was interrogated by a young black man in a checkered suit who appeared to enjoy the job he was doing: putting his own folks through hell. (53.1-3)

Mark finds that getting a pass is no simple matter. Not only does he need all the proper papers – papers that are difficult to get – but he has to voluntarily undergo a humiliating process in order to receive them.