Last of the Mohicans Chapter 28 Summary

  • Epigraph from Much Ado About Nothing.
  • The Delawares have about the same number of warriors as the Hurons. Like the Hurons, they have been allied with the French and have been moving in on Mohawk land.
  • Unlike the Hurons, the Delawares have recently neglected to provide assistance to the French when it was requested. Oops. They told Montcalm they needed to sharpen their hatchets, and he left it at that.
  • Magua leads his people into the busy Delaware encampment. The Delawares recognize him as a Huron chief and find an orator to chat with him. They are a bit wary of what Magua might want (maybe because he's terrifying), so they engage in small talk for a while.
  • Magua soon works his charm, however, with presents looted from the dead women of Fort William Henry and his ever-so-smooth talking skills. He flat out tells them they are harboring a deadly enemy—la Longue carabine. He points out that Montcalm will not be pleased to hear about this.
  • The whole encampment is astonished at this news.
  • Magua draws off to the side as the Delawares hold a council. A formal assemblage of the tribe is required.
  • Once everyone is in his or her proper place, the door to a lodge opens and three old men walk out. The one in the middle is the oldest, and he's decked out in a fashion that leads us to believe he is a very, very big deal. Think designer clothing, medals, and lots of bling, including a silver tomahawk.
  • The man's name is Tamenund, and he is a very wise and famous Delaware chief.
  • He is very old. The crowd is excited because he doesn't emerge from his hut very often.
  • A few young men leave and return with their prisoners. The tribe forms a circle around them.