Last of the Mohicans Themes

Last of the Mohicans Themes


Have you counted all the corpses in this bad boy? They're all casualties of war, whether they're scalped, shot, hatcheted, drowned, or stabbed. The Last of the Mohicans takes place during the Frenc...

Man and the Natural World

The Last of the Mohicans has a man in a bear costume and a man in a beaver costume. 'Nuff said.Oh, okay. There is actually more to say on this theme. The novel takes place in the wild, woodland fro...


When we're talking about prejudice, we're talking about the prejudice that exists within the confines of The Last of the Mohicans. The world of this novel is about as far from "It's a Small World A...


When we talk about race, we're talking about racism. And when we talk about racism, we're talking about the racism that our dear author, Jamie Cooper, exhibits toward his characters. The narrator t...


There are military principles, religious principles, Native American principles and European principles at play in The Last of the Mohicans. And all of 'em are at odds with one another.European pri...

Wisdom and Knowledge

We don't need no education. We don't need no thought control. No dark sarcasm in the classroom… really, all we want is to enroll in the University of Upstate New York's Rugged Wilderness program....


The Last of the Mohicans is a family affair: there are deep sisterly bonds, father/child dynamics, and a bunch of dudes wandering around in the wilderness looking for wives (and, by association, th...


It's not all awww-inspiring, ol' buddy ol' pal stuff in The Last of the Mohicans. In this novel, friendship occurs within the context of survival, meaning that true friends are people that always h...