The Left Hand of Darkness Duty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"What the devil, I know what you were exiled for my dear: for liking Karhide better than its king."

"Rather for liking the king better than his cousin, perhaps."

"Or for liking Karhide better than Orgoreyn," said Yegey. "Am I wrong, Lord Estraven?" (6.58-60)

The idea that duty is perhaps multilayered. After all, Estraven must be dutiful to Karhide, the King, himself, and mankind in general. All those duties have to conflict at some point, right?

Quote #5

[Tibe] talked much about pride of country and love of the parentland, but little about shifgrethor, personal pride or prestige. […] I decided that he was deliberately avoiding talk of shifgrethor because he wished to rouse emotions of a more elemental, uncontrollable kind. (8.10)

"Duty" is sometimes a hot topic word. Tell people it's their duty to love their country while hating another, and they'll do so because they don't want to be seen as lacking in duty/patriotism. And is it just us, or does that quote above basically describe every election year ever?

Quote #6

"Well, in a sense. However, the mission I am on overrides all personal debts and loyalties."

"If so," said [Ashe], "it is an immoral mission." (8.28-29)

Sometimes we can take duty too far. Ai initially sees his duty as beyond personal loyalty, but it's only when he rediscovers loyalty with Estraven that his mission ultimately succeeds.