The Left Hand of Darkness Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I was not paying my debt to him. Such debts remain owing. Estraven and I had simply arrived at the point where we shared whatever we had that was worth sharing. (18.22)

Compromise is the keystone to both love and survival on the Ice. Without it, you won't be going far in either.

Quote #8

I expect it will turn out that sexual intercourse is possible between Gethenian double-sexed and Hainishnorm one-sexed human beings, though such intercourse will inevitably be sterile. It remains to be proved; Estraven and I proved nothing except perhaps a rather subtler point. (18.23)

Ai and Estraven fall in love, but they keep the physical relationship separate. Okay, but does the same go for male/female relationships? Would we all really be better off without sex?

Quote #9

To those fisherman-villagers who live on the edge of the edge, on the extreme habitable limit of a barely habitable continent, honesty is as essential as food. They must play fair with one another; there's not enough to cheat with. (19.55)

Love, meet society. Estraven and Ai had to learn to share everything they had, but this whole community has been doing it since forever. Almost like it's not really that hard.