Legend Betrayal Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Line)

Quote #7

I feel wrong… like I did a terrible thing by betraying a boy who trusted me. (2.2.4)

After the whole debacle with taking Day into custody, June doesn't feel any better. She thought that avenging Metias's death would have brought her peace, but now she just feels like she has blood on her hands.

Quote #8

What if I'm eating dinner with my brother's murderer? Logic. Caution and logic. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Thomas's hands. What if those are thehands that stabbed Metias straight through the heart? (2.10.13)

The worst part of this whole situation is that June has to act normally around Thomas all the time, even though she suspects that he's the person who ruined her life and killed her brother. Does she hate him as much as she hated Day initially?

Quote #9

He said he'd keep it a secret. I think I can trust him. It's just a little nerve-wracking to have anyone know even the smallest bit about my suspicions. I mean, you know how he gets sometimes. (2.10.76)

Metias made a terrible mistake in trusting Thomas—that much is clear in his secret diaries. He thought that he could trust his best friend with the fact that he was digging into the records of their parents' death, but it turns out that Thomas was never his friend.