Legend Patriotism Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Line)

Quote #4

When the Elector Primo's name comes on, we salute toward the capital. I mumble the pledge under my breath, but stay silent in the last two passages when the street police aren't looking my way. (1.7.6)

Day's gotten to the point where he's pretty jaded to the Republic's ways. He can't bring himself to fully go through the motions anymore.

Quote #5

I tilt my head a little as I look at the spy. I already hate him as much as I hate anything about the Colonies—he's not affiliated with the Patriots, that's for sure, but that just makes him more of a coward. (1.10.3)

In the Republic, everyone's trained to hate dissenters. Even though June doesn't know this "spy" personally, she's been well trained by the military to hate him with all her being.

Quote #6

There's our obligatory portrait of the Elector hanging on the wall, surrounded by a handful of our own photos, as if he were a member of our family. (1.13.45)

Yikes—like with a lot of dictatorships in history, the new Republic has citizens who are encouraged to pretty much worship the Elector Primo. That never makes for a good power dynamic.