Legend Poverty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Line)

Quote #4

Then I stop myself. Metias had told me never to judge the poor like that. Well, he's a better person than I am, I think bitterly. (1.10.41)

Unlike a lot of other rich people in the rich sectors, June tries not to judge the poor because her brother taught her that. That's some of Metias's good nature and compassion shining through—and it's served her well.

Quote #5

My hair grows tangled and dull in the heat and smoke, and dirt has started to coat my face. When I look at my reflection in the lake, I realize that I look exactly like a street beggar now. Everything feels dirty. (1.10.54)

June always thought she was so different from the dirty street scum in the poor sectors, but she's really not. It just takes a few days and she literally becomes one of the masses.

Quote #6

The bedroom looks exactly the same, the few things in it old and worn but still comfortable. There's the tattered mattress Eden's on, and next to it is the scratched-up chest of drawers that I used to doodle on. (1.13.45)

Even though Day grew up in an impoverished household, his family still managed to infuse their meager surroundings with warmth and comfort.